
Sunday, May 10, 2020

STI Analysis -- the next peak and trough ? (67)

Continued from STI Analysis -- the next peak and trough ? (66)

As mentioned in previous analysis STI could either be in Intermediate wave ((iv)) of Primary wave 3 or Primary wave 4 of the Cycle wave (C) of SuperCycle wave ((2)).  Based on the time frame and movement, the Intermediate wave ((iv)) case could be ruled out already.  This will leave STI with now being in Primary wave 4 wave count as shown below.

Elliott wave analysis might be simple as wave count is always 1-2-3-4-5-A-B-C and the cycle repeats.  However, it is not especially coming to the corrective phase part (wave 2, 4, A, B, C) as there are multiple possible patterns or combination of patterns that could quality for those wave.  STI in Primary wave 4 is probably one of those complex pattern.  So far, the Intermediate wave ((a)) of the Primary wave 4 has completed.  STI is now in the Intermediate wave ((b)) phase.  According to Elliott Wave principle, wave B can be a "Any 3" pattern meaning it can display a zig-zag, a flat, a triangle, a double-three or even a triple-three pattern.  As the pattern gets more complex, it will stretch side way.  From the look of STI movement, Intermediate wave ((b)) doesn't look like developing into a simple zig-zag.  Thus, it could be developing into a triangle or even a double-three pattern.  This will stretch the time frame to few months.  In laymen term people label it as moving side way.  After Intermediate wave ((b)) should be the upward movement of wave ((c)) to complete the Primary wave 4. 

As mentioned previously, a 5-wave in the corrective phase could either be a normal impulse or diagonal.  Should STI develop into a diagonal structure, Primary wave 4 should be able to move above 2955.68 overlapping Primary wave 1 but not exceeding Primary wave 2 which is at 3386.65 to 3415.18 range.  Despite not moving above 2955.68 some already considered bottom at 2208.42 now and maybe already pour in 100% of the capital.  When it really move above 2955.68 especially to the 3000 level, maybe they will be start celebrating they get the bargain for this crisis.  That is a pretty common human beings psychological mindset.  Unfortunately, this is what Elliott Wave is tasked to do -- describing the human beings psychological behavior towards an event.  

So if you already pour in 100% of the capital and STI going forward is exactly doing the Elliott wave count as described meaning there will be a more painful crash in Primary wave 5 coming hitting below 2208.42, what are you going to do ?

In tandem to Covid-19

