
Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Singapore GE2020 -- Psychological Perspective Part 2

Continued from Singapore GE2020 -- Psychological Perspective Part 1

There was a technically incorrectness in the previous post.  Have added a remark there and reproduced as followed :-

The scenario for which PSP, WP and SDP in combine getting 47 or more Parliament seats to deny PAP the majority to form the government is ONLY TRUE when PSP, WP and SDP came into the election as a coalition and not just individual political party.  As they entered the election as individual party, the correct term should be just "to deny PAP the majority to form government automatically".

What's that mean ?  After reading this post, you should have a clear idea of the abovementioned.

Now, if I were to go onto the street and ask people "What you think of Singapore having a coalition government ?".  I won't be surprise the immediate response by most will be "PAP no more government !".   That perception, that thinking, that logic is totally WRONG !!!

Coalition government as described from wikipedia is as followed :-

"A coalition government is a cabinet of a parliamentary government in which several parties cooperate. The usual reason given for this arrangement is that no party on its own can achieve a majority in the parliament."

Now pay particular attention to the following description :-

"coalitions can come in two forms. The first is produced by two or more parties joining forces after fighting elections separately to form a majority government. However, some coalitions (or alliances) are already decided before elections to give the parties the best chance of immediate government after the election."

PAP can form the government of the day by more than 1 ways.

1.  Winning at least 2/3 of the Parliament seats meaning we could either have 0 opposition or not more than 1/3.  This is what we have all these decades.

2. Winning majority of the Parliament seats but fail to secure more than 2/3 of the seats, meaning in GE2020, PAP win at least 47 but less than 62 Parliament seats.

3. A coalition government led by PAP.  This can only happen when all the participating political parties fail to win at least 47.  As such, PAP who has the highest winning among all the political parties will be tasked to joint alliance or seek cooperation from another party (or parties) to form the government of the day.  The coalition itself must have a combine seats of majority (47 in this case)

I bet not many people can know of the 3rd method as all along we are being accustomed to PAP having the majority win in the election.  Well, if mathematically is not impossible, there will be a chance it can or will happen.  If that really happens, don't get shock and alarm.

In this GE, the number of seats each political parties contesting is as followed :-

PAP -- 93
PSP -- 24
WP -- 21
SDP -- 11
PV -- 10
NSP -- 10
RP -- 6
SPP -- 5
RDU -- 5
SDA -- 5
PPP -- 1

Since all political parties came into this election as individual party and not coalition, PAP is the only one that can get 47 or more to achieve the majority to form the government.

In the event that PAP fail to get 47, this will result in a coalition government led by the political party with the highest winning.  PAP will still be able to form the government (to be exact coalition government) as long as they win 25 or more seats as 24 is the maximum PSP can get.  PAP can only be denied to form the government if they couldn't achieve the highest winning seats among all parties.

What if both PAP and PSP get 24 and tie at being highest winning ?  Well frankly speaking I also not sure exactly how they going to resolve who will be the government.  The chance of PAP only winning 24 out of 93 is 25.8% AND coupled with 100% win by PSP.  Mathematically is possible but the probability of that happening is a very very small percentage and can even be considered as "impossible" in this election.

From the above figure and analysis, we can see PAP has a very good "margin of safety" to still form the government of the day.  They just need to secure 25 Parliament seats and they could lead a coalition to form the government already.  So there is no need to fear that PAP cannot form the government of the day and make the wrong decision in the vote.  Not many people can analyze as above and that is why politicians can use the psychological strategic or tactics to their advantage.

Now, come the psychologically challenging part.  If you can overcome that, you are not psychological weak to let other people take advantage of.

Believe majority of the people still want a PAP government but with a fair balance of oppositions in the Parliament.  This is to ensure there is continuity in planning for the future of the nation.  There is this belief being driven into the people that if PAP is not the government everything will go haywire.  Rationally and logically, this is INCORRECT !

Singapore is a small nation with only 5.8M population with little or practically no natural resources.  As such, we have to rely on trades heavily to grow the economy.  In trade meaning import and export with other countries.  In fact, not a single country in this world can survive without doing trade with other nations.  As such, regardless PAP is the government or any other political party being the government, there shall not be any drastic change in methods to grow the nation economy.  Singapore is not US or China that kind of superpower that it can be a trend setter in dictating the global economy.  Singapore is not even part of G-20 by the way.  Any future planning is all evolved what's the global trend is.  Thus, the saying that only PAP has plan for the future and not oppositions is incorrect and flaw.

There is also perception that foreign investment will take hit if PAP is not the government or too many oppositions in the Parliament.  This is rationally and logically incorrect and flaw too.  Foreign investments will come as long as there is opportunity and stability in the county in which they feel safe to put their money in.  As a little red dot, we cannot survive without any foreign investment at all and this whoever the government of the day should know.  As for stability, so many countries out there have a multi-parties or even coalition government and they still can get foreign investments, what make Singapore so special ?

Some might have doubts about opposition parties being the government of the day and deem them unsuitable and ineffective.  Now, let me ask you a simple question, has anyone of us here live a day in our life when the government is not PAP ?  The answer is a very obvious NO.  Since we have not experienced that, on what basis can we make the comparison ?  What make you so sure life couldn't be better if PAP is not the government ?

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