
Friday, August 12, 2022

Journey To Retirement Part 7.3 -- KepCorp

Finally total divest of KepCorp at an average price of S$6.2273/share.  

After invested in 2010 and with a holding price of S$7.4156/share, the divestment translated to a capital loss of 16.53% but a dividend return of +54.93%.  This gave a net profit of 38.54%.  For the period of 12 years, the divestment registered an annualized loss of 1.49% if excluding dividend but a +2.75% if inclusive of dividend return.

The reason for divestment of KepCorp like that of SingPost, SIA-SATS and Genting is part of the Investment Portfolio Restructuring which was started in December 2021.  This divestment also marked the completion of the restructuring.

Unlike SingPost, SIA and Genting which has a rather uncertain and questionable fundamental going forward, KepCorp's fundamental is relatively more positive than the other 3.  This is due to the Keppel Corporation Vision 2030, which the management put up in 2020 to transform KepCorp business going forward.  So far, the restructuring and transformation is on the right track.  Thus, why still divestment instead of continue to hold ?  While the fundamental is clearer and more define, it still does not fall into the criteria which my 3rd Investment Portfolio going to build on.  As such, like Genting, am shifting it to the "trading" portfolio.