Thursday, October 31, 2019

Portfolio -- Oct 2019

Investment Portfolio

1. Increased Kep DC Reit holding by 13.64% due to preferential offering at $1.71/unit.  Holding price increased from $0.9174/unit to $0.9946/unit
2. Cash decreased from +31.03% to $29.75% due to preferential offering of Kep DC Reit
3. Received CapitaMall Trust dividend of 3.06 cents/unit
4. Received Frasers Cpt Trust dividend of 2.913 cents/unit

StockHolding Price*Market PriceUnrealized Profit/LossDividend Return
CapitaMall Trust$1.155$2.54+117.33%+93.39%
First REIT$0.5973$1.02+70.36%+125.62%
Genting SP$0.5314$0.94+76.30%+31.99%
MapletreeInd Trust$0.8143$2.55+211.72%+79.94%
Kep DC Reit$0.9946$2.00+100.45%+26.32%
Frasers Cpt Trust$1.9021$2.75+43.62%+16.29%

Kep REIT--$1.2394123.94 cents/share24.61 cents/unit
FrasersCom Trust--$1.6993169.93 cents/share7.20 cents/unit
MapletreeCom Trust--$2.0596205.96 cents/share26.87 cents/unit
Mapletreelog Trust--$1.5497154.97 cents/share19.086 cents/unit
CapitaR China Trust--$1.52152.00 cents/share4.74 cents/unit

(% of Non-Strategic cost)
85.256 cents/unit
Total Unrealized**
Total Realized**
Total Portfolio***
Portfolio Variant

STI30/9/19 = 3119.9931/10/19 = 3229.88Change = +3.52%

Stock Incubator Portfolio

1. Strategically reduced holding price of Creative from $4.4103/share to $4.3577/share.  Increasing cash from 56.95% to 57.26%
2. Strategically increased Valuetronics holding by 17.65% at cost $0

Stock Holding Price*Market PriceUnrealized Profit/LossDividend Return
Valuetronics--$0.675--HK 72 cents/share

Total Unrealized **--+31.93%--
Total Realized **
Total Portfolio    ***
Portfolio Variant 

STI30/9/19 = 3119.99     31/10/19 =  3229.88Change = +3.52%

* = Initial Buy Price + Average on Right Issue
** =  Unrealized or Realized gain/loss in term of percentage with reference to total investment capital
*** = (total unrealized + total realized) with reference to total investment 

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Stock Incubator -- Valuetronics Holdings Ltd

Finally, after 2 years and 4 months, I've double the holding in Valuetronics Holdings Ltd at $0 cost.

Started investing in Valuetronics Holdings Ltd in Jun 2017 taking the opportunity of then 1 for 10 bonus issue (refer here).  During those periods was waiting for opportunity to add more at bargain valuation after putting aside designated capital in the Stock Incubator portfolio.  At the same time feeling nothing to lose also adopt the 孙子兵法 strategy that I was using in the Strategic portion of my Investment portfolio.  Slowly and with utmost patience, a milestone has reached whereby the holding is doubled, all at $0 cost.  Not to mention has been collecting dividend along the way.  Based on the closing price of $0.69 on 25th Oct 2019 and assuming I've invested with the quantity that I've at that price, the amount of dividend collected is 12.45%.  Not a bad deal at all during these 2 years period.

Doing a recap for those 2 years plus duration, realized that I should have reached this milestone (double the holding at $0 cost) much earlier if not for being over cautious in not incurring cost.  Nevertheless, putting aside the time frame for that milestone to be achieved, this proves the 孙子兵法 is working perfectly.  Though it is the same concept and underlying as what was being adopted in the Strategic portion of the Investment portfolio, the CPFIS and SRS portfolio, the procedure in doing so is not totally the same. 

Going forward, the capital being put aside to acquire more when cheap valuation arises is still there and waiting for opportunity to come.  So while waiting, will continue to apply the proven 孙子兵法 strategy to further increase the holding at $0 cost. 

Now will have to 2 options in mindOne option is to be more aggressive in the strategy meaning taking more calculated risk to increase the holding in the shortest possible time frame but potentially could incur some cost at some pointThe other option is to maintain the same cautiousness to avoid incurring cost but at the expense of perhaps long duration to achieve it.

孙子日 : 凡战者,以正合,以奇胜

Saturday, October 26, 2019

STI Analysis -- the next peak and trough ? (54)

Continued from STI Analysis -- the next peak and trough ? (53)

Global markets trend higher after US-China claimed they are moving towards agreeing on phase 1 of the trade deal in November.  Do note that this has not changed the damaged already done due to the trade war.  Phase 1 probably just rewind the development back 1 step.  For STI, nothing has changed in term of Elliott wave analysis, neither the STI-2 nor the STI-N has been invalidated.


As shown above, current move up for STI is the SuperCycle wave 3, Cycle wave 3, Primary wave 1, Intermediate wave 3 for this scenario.  By looking at the Elliott wave pattern thing looks "promising".  The next figure above is what was being calculated by the Degree Calculator after the latest development.  Again, no rules violation, the golden ratio 0.618:0.382 looks alright across all degrees also.  However, examines closely, there are some doubts to conclude convincingly this wave count is the right one.  Firstly, the Minor wave 2 retraced 83.8%, a very deep and rare case as most will be between 61.8% - 78.6%.  This runs the risk that Minor wave 2 might not be correct count thereby invalidating Intermediate wave 2.  Next, if Minor wave 2 is valid, Minor wave 3 appears to be overstretched registering an upside of 363.3% vs the norm of 261.8% (extended wave 3).  This figure is not conclusive at the moment as couple of factors like change in Intermediate wave 3 will alter that number.  Nevertheless, these doubts have to be kept in mind to avoid over-confident claiming the legit of this STI-2 wave count.

Another factor that should be monitored closely is the time frame.  Should STI is indeed in Intermediate wave 3 now, to reach the calculated value of 3833.712 have to been completed within months.  S3C2P1I1 completed from Oct 2018 to Apr 2019 (about 6 months) and S3C3P1I2 completed from Apr 2019 to Aug 2019 (about 4 months).  Taking the case that I1 already took 6 months, I3 in the case of being extended will take longer duration probably 9 months time frame and also because wave 3 supposes to be the sharpest wave, it is possible to complete in 6 months time also.  Hence, a duration between 6 to 9 months should be the appropriate time frame.  Anything longer than 9 months will cast a serious doubts.  Anything shorter than 6 months is not impossible but there must be some super positive and extremely bullish news globally to cause that kind of rocket burst.  

Take the case of I2 at 3040 and to rise to 3800 for I3 is 760 points.  To complete that in 3 months meaning on average there will be a 253 points jump per month.  To achieve in 6 months meaning an average of 126 points jump per month.  To do that in 9 months it will take an average of 84 points jump per month.  From Aug 2019 to Sep 2019, the highest STI move was from 3040 to 3216, that is 176 points up.  However, from Sep 2019 to Oct 2019, there was a dip of 148 points due to I2 so for I3 to make up the ground to be in line with the estimated average monthly jump, it must move up at least 378 points (126 points / month) from Aug 2019 low (3040).  This will lead to in Nov 2019, STI must achieve a value of at least 3400, a 215 points more from 25th Oct 2019 closing value of 3185.53.  This is the guideline STI's trajectory should move to further affirm STI-2 scenario is the correct wave count.


As mentioned nothing has invalidated STI-N wave count despite the current upward movement in STI.  The above is the wave count for STI-N scenario.  In this scenario, STI is doing a SuperCycle wave 2 correction that started in 2015 and from the pattern and ratio so far, it is possible a Flat (3-3-5) structure and STI is now in the 5-wave down part.  The wave 1 and wave 2 of the 5-wave down have been completed and STI is in the wave 3 part.  This wave 3 part can be in the form of a zig-zag (IA-IB-IC) or a normal impulse (I1-I2-I3-I4-I5).  The current upward movement is part of the IB or I2 only.  Another possible case is STI could still be stuck in P2 and this should keep in mind.  Thus, this means the current upward movement will be capped.

US Market
Back in 17th Aug 2019, an analysis on US market (S&P 500) was made in STI Analysis -- the next peak and trough ? (51).  A recap of what was written then.

For those who know baseball will know the phase "3-strikes out".  This is what happening to US market now.  The ongoing correction is "strike 1".  Though after this correction it might see S&P 500 recording another all times high but that doesn't change the picture, no compromise at all, still "3-strikes out".

S&P 500 all times high was 3027.98 registered on 26th Jul 2019 and yesterday (25th Oct 2019) intra-day high was 3027.39, just 0.59 points away from that high.  Based on current sentiment, it will be no surprise 3027.98 will be broken soon.  This precisely affirms what was been analyzed back in Aug 2019.  This current upward movement and record breaking is just en route to "strike 2" of the US market.  Like mentioned, no compromise at all, still "3-strikes out" !

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Journey To Retirement Part 6.1 -- SIA

2019 marks the year that I've invested in SIA for a decade.  This will be the 5th stock in my investment portfolio after Genting Singapore, First Reit, SingPost and CapitaMall Trust to be in the "10-years club".

So anything to cheer about ?  Afraid not from the perspective of return.  Invested in 2009 at a price of $11.12 and adding some more a year later to make the holding price at $12.07.  At the price of $9.1 on 21st Oct 2019, this gives an unrealized loss of -25.01% (annualized -2.84%) and a dividend return of +36.99%.  This produces an overall return of +11.98% (annualized +1.14%).  As a whole the return is still positive with the inclusion of dividend but on purely capital return, probably at least 60% of the time during the 10 years period it is in the red.  A little comfort is this investment is not like those dudes from the town councils who lost every single cents in the investment during the 2008 GFC due to collapse of Lehman Brothers.  If this investment does end up at that state, for sure my conscious will hunt me for the rest of my life simply because I'm a truly human beings.  Does the conscious of those dudes hunt them for rest of their life ?  Better be if not there will not be any justice done.

"I'm in for the investment for long term like 30 years so this current unrealized loss is not a big concern".  Does that statement rings a bell ?  Well if you are a true blooded Singaporean you should realize where that statement origins from to act as an excuse to cover up a mistake.  I'm not going to use that for this SIA investment simply I'm not a pseudo elite who prides to wear white but actually is just an empty vessel.  I will boldly admit the investment in SIA in 2009 is a mistake.  No excuse, a mistake is a mistake !

If it is a mistake why no cut loss and continue to hold it ?  I have reasons in doing so.

Firstly, investment in a stock is investment in a company.  To invest in a company I don't simply just put the money there, let it auto pilot and just monitor the metrics to determine how the investment fares.  It also allows me to follow closely how management using strategies (business strategies) to overcome difficult situations.  For the past 10 years, SIA has to combat the emerging of Low Cost Carrier (LCC), the volatility of the crude oil price which affects their revenue and the weakness of global economy result in weaken air traveling.  To be honest, SIA still not out of the wood but can see what's the management has been doing to combat those difficulties.  Not every measure works and if it isn't what's the reason.  That is something I could learn from if I continue to stay invested in it.  Having this type of experience will definitely equipped me better for my next investment in another stock (company).

Secondly, maybe after more than 2 decades in stock market, the perception of stock investing is different from majority.  The main focus of how much return I could get is no longer priority but rather applying the correct strategy is the one.  In short, I'm enjoying investment now not for the return but for what type of strategies I could deploy.  As long as it is the correct strategy, the return will follow.  Even if it is a wrong strategy, it can always overcome the wrong result with another strategy after learning from mistake.

Thirdly, probably more from personal perception.  SIA to me together with SGX are the only 2 companies that in Singapore is too big to fail.  The consequences of them belly up is very catastrophic as there isn't any replacement for them.  Some might say bank should be the one, there is more than 1 banks in Singapore, do I need to elaborate further ?  SIA has not registered a single full year loss for the 10 years I've invested in and if I'm not wrong, SIA yet to register a full year loss since listed in 1992 despite the 1997-98 AFC, 2001 9/11 incident and 2003 SARS when it was hit the hardest.  This spells a good foundation in its fundamental.  To add, at least till now, the management is not one of those paper general apart from 老黄卖瓜,自卖自夸, their experience in running a corporation is not much better than the average Joe on the street.

There is also another mistake that I made during these periods, divested away the SATS share that was given to me when SIA divested SATS.  I should have hold on the SATS share instead.  However, there is still one good move I made that was divested the SIA from my kid's portfolio years ago with a profit.

So what's going forward ?  Like mentioned earlier, focus is on strategy, I do have 2 strategies in mind that wanted to test out, newly conceptualize based on 孙子兵法 since last year.  Of all the stocks in my investment portfolio, SIA is one of the prime target for me to test it on.  I have started to apply one of the strategy and that helped me to reduce the holding price from $12.07 to $12.028.  It is still ongoing as this strategies will take times to test it out which I have plenty.  As for the 2nd strategy I'm still waiting for opportunity to test it out or maybe I'm not applying that to SIA.   So I guess while testing out those strategies, I will just continue to collect dividend along the way.  Another thing is from Elliott Wave analysis in term of SuperCycle perspective, I see something going forward but you must have the times to allow that to finally materialize.

What's destiny to fly won't rest forever.


Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Corporate Result -- Oct/Nov 2019

1. SPH REIT  --  10th Oct 2019
2. Kep Infra Trust  --  14th Oct 2019
3. Kep DC REIT  --  15th Oct 2019
4. Kep Pac Oak US REIT  -- 15th Oct 2019
5. MapletreeCom Trust  --  15th Oct 2019
6. Kep REIT  --  16th Oct 2019
7. Kep Corp  --  17th Oct 2019
8. SPH  --  17th Oct 2019
9. CapitaMall Trust  --  21st Oct 2019
10. Mapletreelog Trust  --  21st Oct 2019
11. MapletreeInd Trust  --  22nd Oct 2019
12. FrasersCom Trust  --  22nd Oct 2019
13. Frasers Cpt Trust  --  23rd Oct 2019
14. Suntec REIT  --  23rd Oct 2019
15. CapitaCom Trust  --  23rd Oct 2019
16. SGX  --  24th Oct 2019
17. MNACT  --  25th Oct 2019
18. CapitaR China Trust  --  25th Oct 2019
19. Starhill Global  --  29th Oct 2019
20. Ascott REIT  --  30th Oct 2019
21. CDL HTrust  --  30th Oct 2019
22. Sheng Siong  --  30th Oct 2019
23. Creative  --  30th Oct 2019
24. Parkway Life  --  31st Oct 2019
25. UOB  --  1st Nov 2019
26. SIA Engg  --  1st Nov 2019
27. Ascendas Reit  --  1st Nov 2019
28. NetLink NBN Trust  --  1st Nov 2019
29. SingPost  --  1st Nov 2019
30. OCBC  --  5th Nov 2019
31. SIA  --  5th Nov 2019
32. StarHub  --  5th Nov 2019
33. Frasers L&I Trust  --  6th Nov 2019
34. First REIT  --  6th Nov 2019
35. Genting Singapore  --  7th Nov 2019
36. Venture Corp  --  8th Nov 2019
37. Nordic Group  --  8th Nov 2019
38. VICOM  --  11th Nov 2019
39. ST Engg  --  11th Nov 2019
40. DBS  --  11th Nov 2019
41. CityDev  --  12th Nov 2019
42. SBS Transit  --  12th Nov 2019
43. SATS  --  12th Nov 2019
44. UOL  --  12th Nov 2019
45. UMS  --  13th Nov 2019
46. Valuetronics  --  13th Nov 2019
47. Semb Mar  --  13th Nov 2019
48. ComfortDelGro  --  13th Nov 2019
49. Semb Corp  --  14th Nov 2019
50. SingTel  --  14th Nov 2019